This page contains a collection of general forms that can be downloaded for parent and student use.
If you require any further information please contact the school office on (02) 9852 0500 during school hours, or send us an email.
If you require any further information please contact the school office on (02) 9852 0500 during school hours, or send us an email.
Family holidays and travel outside of the school holiday period will be considered individually based on your child’s attendance, the intention of the extended leave and the impact on your child’s participation and progress at school.
In accordance with CEDP policy and guidelines, the College has strict protocols in place in relation to the supervision, administering and storing of students’ medications.
To support your child’s health needs, it is essential that the College maintains up to date medical action plans.
Primary & Secondary
(02) 9852 0500
Catholic Early Learning Centre
(02) 9852 0585
Out of School Hours Care
0438 228 271
Send us an email